Scroll down to see what is included...
Learn the Blues Matrix...
and your playing will never be the same!
Lessons that are great all year round...summer too!
Don't lose motivation at the piano!
There is a problem in the piano community...
Every year, thousands of piano students go missing and pianos everywhere get covered with a layer of fine dust.
Students tend to practice during the cold months, but once the warm weather comes around, piano practice usually suffers in favor of the beach or the pool.
Sound familiar? Has this happened to you?
Well, this year, we're going to change that!
I've created a multi-level, course to help you learn new piano techniques, learn how to improvise and get motivated.
There will be a beginner level, perfect for students with only a year or less of piano practice. An intermediate level for those students who have more skill, and an advanced level for students looking to improvise over Jazz standards.
The lessons I'm going to teach you in this course, you'll be using for years to come.
Summer Piano Jam
Great all year round...summer too!
All Skill levels welcome!
Since the lessons will be short, I will keep them pretty easy. In the sessions I'll add some more advanced techniques for the advanced players in the room, but the main lesson itself will be perfect for anyone having a working knowledge of the piano.
It is recommended that students have at least 6-12 months of piano practice under their belt before beginning Summer Piano Jam. If you're an absolute beginner, I recommend you check out my HomeSchoolPiano program.
Special offer! Enroll now and get LIFETIME ACCESS!
Lessons for Students of ALL Levels
Never improvised before? No problem, the beginner level has you covered. Want to improvise over Jazz standards? We will be covering that in the advanced level. Want slow blues improv? We got that too!
Beginner Level
In the beginner level, you will be learning how to accompany yourself using simple left-hand chord shells. Later in the course, you'll also learn a simple bassline to use for accompaniment. You will learn improvisation techniques, rhythms, riffs and licks that you can play with your accompaniment and the included backing tracks. We begin with a simple progression with licks, then move to two-hand chords, targeting notes and finish by creating our own blues jam tune.
Intermediate Level
The intermediate-level course will show you how to play a full jazz/blues progression with chords and extended harmonies. You will learn different melodic, rhythmic and lick ideas to make your soloing 'pop' while also learning how to use your left-hand for more effective comping. The arpeggio and guide tone lesson will help you improve your technique while also showing you how to properly target notes so your improvisation sounds more polished. We will also be covering grace notes, double stops and tremolos...the 'secret sauce' of playing the blues.
Advanced Level
In the advanced course, we turn our attention to improvisation over Jazz standards, specifically the tune Beautiful Love. I'll teach you how to improvise over this beautiful standard by beginning with rootless voicings. Next, we will learn the scales that go with each chord and we will build a solo using scales and arpeggios. The secret to a good sounding solo though is targeting notes. Without targeting, your solo will sound 'wandering' and lost. Through targeting, neighbor tones and approaches, we will make your soloing sound pro-level in just a few weeks!
Here’s what students are saying about SPJ
Shannon B
SPJ Student
Recital was SUPER...
The recital was SUPER. There were many players more advanced than myself, HOWEVER there were some on my skill level . . . gave me encouragement.
SPJ Student
I like the Creative approach...
I like the creative approach you have - not just teaching a song or technique, but expanding on it in a very creative manner during the lessons. Working creatively with the materials you teach is what i appreciate most, because it opens up the structures and songs for the students as well! I liked that also about the summer jam!
Mark G.
SPJ Student
Keep being a "bad" teacher...I like it all!
The "RECITALS" were great, everyone did so well. It gives me hope. Not that I'm a recital type of guy, but I think it was very beneficial to watch. Keep being a "bad" teacher as you put it! I absolutely like "all" the material you present and can get my hands on--even if volume may be somewhat overwhelming at times. That's the only downside, 'maybe', at times it can distract me from some basic practicing, HOWEVER, it DOES keep my interest SPARKED and at the very least it identifies what can be on the horizon for me!
How does Summer Piano Jam work?
I've broken down each week into bite-sized modules. Each section will take longer than a week to complete and master, but dividing the course into "weeks" will make it easier to structure your practice.
Week 1 - Getting Started
In week one, we are going to quickly move through all the basics that you'll need for the rest of the course. This includes all progressions, chords, their formation and how to easily create them for easier mastery.
Week 2 - Improvisation Lines
For beginners, we will cover two-handed chord structures that you can use in improvisation. For the intermediate and advanced levels we will dive into creating improvisation lines using licks, motifs and scales.
Week 3 - Arpeggios
Beginners will start to target specific chord tones to make their improvisation sound more professional while higher levels will focus on arpeggios and broken chords. These broken chords, and usage, help you create improvisations that "weave" through the chord progression more seamlessly.
Week 4 - Moving Beyond Scales
Now that you have all the "raw material" needed to improvise, we are going to focus on creating an improvisation that flows. This means beginners will learn new accompaniment techniques to use in their left hand while higher levels focus on moving from just playing scales to playing an actual improvisation.
Week 5 - Putting it All Together
We finish by taking all the techniques we've practiced over the past month to create a full-blown improvisation. After you've finished this level, you will be ale to use these techniques over song after song.
Quizzes & Certificates
What good is a course if you forget what you've learned? Summer Piano Jam has been designed to help you retain what you've learned by quizzing you along the way. This multi-modal learning helps to "lock in" your knowledge. And, when you've completed the course, show off your skills with a custom certificate!
Quiz Your Knowledge
Each unit ends with a short quiz to ensure that you understand the concepts covered in that unit.
After passing the quiz, you will be rewarded with a certificate with your name on it that you can print and hang proudly.
The quizzes are not tricky, but you do need to know the information in order to pass. A passing grade is 70% and if you do not get a passing grade the first time, you can retake the quiz.
The quizzes are timed and are only 8-12 multiple choice questions each.
You can take each quiz (2) times.
Be Proud of What You've Learned
After completing a course and passing the quiz, you are rewarded with a certificate with your name on it that you can print and display proudly!
You can earn a certificate for each level of the program.
This process is optional. If taking a test freaks you out, just skip it! It's O.K.
However, the quizzes give you a great opportunity to make sure that you have completely understood and absorbed the information presented!
Sample Lessons
Watch some samples of what you'll find inside
Bonuses for Students
In addition to the lessons, you also get some special Summer Piano Jam-only student perks!
Jam with the band!
The play-along backing tracks make practicing fun. And, with several different tempi to choose from, you'll find a backing track that is not too fast for you!
Take a listen to one of the backing tracks:
Don't miss a note!
Each lesson has detailed sheet music for you to download. The sheet music shows, in detail, everything that I am playing in the lesson.
Don't read music? No problem.
With the light up virtual-keyboard, it is super-easy to see every note being played.
And, with the Jazzedge lesson player, you have complete control over the speed of the lesson.
Take the time you need!
Take a month or a year to complete the course, it's up to you! The way to OWN the material is through repetition.
This is why for as long as the course is in existence, you can watch the lessons over and over again with no additional charge.
About Willie Myette
Willie has been teaching online long before online courses were the "norm" that they are today.
With several dozen books written by Willie, along with tours and recordings, Willie Myette has become the premier piano coach online today.
His friendly, no-nonsense approach resonates with students who often credit the entirety of their piano skills to his online courses.
Sign up today and see why Willie is the "go to" guy for piano lessons.

Here’s what students are saying about Willie
Beasley Reece
Student & Former NFL player
Willie’s teaching method and the interactive website made the difference for me.
My name is Beasley Reece. I’m a former NFL player and currently the Sports Anchor for CBS3 TV in Philadelphia. I would like to thank Willie for unlocking the mysteries that have held my Piano advancement in a stagnant place for many years. Willie’s teaching method and the interactive website made the difference for me.
Donna Palmari
There is always something new to learn
I have been trying to learn how to play jazz standards for quite some time. My goal is to be able to play the piano using some cool sounds and not sound hokey. I have been through a few teachers in my life and although they were very good, and I learned a lot from them, I found that we would reach a point where I had exhausted their knowledge. This is far from the case with Willie. He has so much material on his website, Piano With Willie, that there is always something new to learn. He also presents the material in a way that makes it easy to understand so that practicing isn’t a difficult task. He will teach you concepts so that you can use them on many tunes.
Bill Gibbons
Willie is an incredible teacher!
Back in 2009, a friend brought me a promo video for Jazz Piano. I was impressed and decide to call about it. Five years of learning with Willie has expanded my horizons exponentially. Willie is an incredible teacher! His method of breaking down concepts and songs is excellent.
Your Opportunity to Shine
Students can share their playing on our Facebook Group.
It's your time to shine! Here are some samples from last year's student showcase...
The Thrill is Not Gone...Get Your Slow Blues Here!
SPJ students also get access to the B.B. King classic song "The Thrill is Gone" in a slow blues style along with improvisation! So often students ask for that rich, slow blues style and this lesson won't disappoint! I will teach you the arrangement note-for-note plus you will learn how to improvise in this slow blues style.
You'll learn the classic "The Thrill is Gone" along with Improvisation!
New...Blues Progression Matrix™
The Blues Progression Matrix™, exclusive to Jazzedge®, is an exciting new way to see and create the blues. By breaking the blues into parts, or 'blocks' you are able to create almost endless iterations of blues progressions on the fly.

We begin by breaking the blues into parts which we refer to as 'blocks.' Each block then has several written out examples that you can then mix-n-match to create your own blues progression. Garageband files are also included which makes it fun to create new combinations on the fly without having to play each block yourself.

All blocks will be broken down in the lessons, along with proper fingering.
Full access to the entire course and all content...for life!
(1x payment - normally $399...you save 75%)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
My guarantee is simple (no fine print here)
If you're not happy with the course for any reason, contact me within 30 days for a full credit toward any other lesson or site in our Jazzedge library.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say...
John Metcalfe
My playing has improved greatly
As a self-taught intermediate piano player, I’ve always had a problem with piano teachers. They will teach you something more advanced in a lesson and you’ll eventually ‘get it’ but if you are not using it every day it will fade from your memory and while you remember a bit, you’ll need another lesson or more to reinforce the content. I find this especially true when I learn jazz methods and then spend time on classical for a few weeks.
Piano with Willie has changed this for me. You can pick up a new technique, say quartals, play through the lessons but then return weeks later to refresh the parts you did not quite get or which you have forgotten. It’s like having a library of techniques at your disposal which you can refer to anytime and at your own pace.
With Willie, my playing has improved greatly and I would recommend his programs unconditionally
Lonnie Moseley
You will never be bored with Willie’s range of music lessons
If you are at all interested in understanding, learning, playing or improving your play at the piano, you must investigate this superb pianist and teacher. I know a great technologist (which Willie is) as well as a great educator. The sheer volume of consistently prepared piano lessons in all styles and range of instruction is not matched anywhere–not anywhere.
Even if you are working, put Willie’s lessons on in the background. Not only will your musical vocabulary be strengthened but so will your brain’s neuropath ways. You will never be bored with Willie’s range of music lessons in jazz, blues, rock, Latin, gospel, funk, chord construction, theory–at all levels of skill. He’s absolutely amazing.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Full access to the entire course and all content...for life!
(1x payment - normally $399...you save 75%)
A Note From Willie
There are many reasons NOT to do something. Time, money, health, age. Let's put all that to rest right now. You're never too late or too old to learn something new!
I hope that you'll join me in this course to do something for you. There is no greater gift a person can receive than the ability to express themselves in a new way.
Piano, and specifically improvisation at the piano, opens up a new world of expression that all students can benefit from.
I hope to see you on the inside.